Monday, May 15, 2017

Review: ‘I, Snowflake’ by Anthem Theatre Company (Boston, MA)

As part of their “Cabinet of Curiosities” festival, Theatre On Fire and Charlestown Working Theater bring Anthem Theatre Company’s newest play ‘I, Snowflake’ to the stage. It is described as a post-election reaction play, a commedia tragi-farce for the world we now live in. Devised by Anthem Theatre Company, it was conceived, written and directed by Anthem’s Artistic Director Bryn Boice. This play was created out of the results of the ‘Snowflake Questionnaire’ sent out by the theatre company in November of 2016 following the election.
Cast of 'I, Snowflake'. Courtesy Anthem Theatre Company
Scenically minimalistic, the words spoken by the cast are the focus of the play; which allows them to more fully resonate with audience members. The intimate space allowed the audience to become engrossed in the stories being told. Using various theatrical elements including simple movement, music, singing and mime the all-female cast shared the concerns, fears, thoughts and feelings of the many people around the country who participated in the survey. Creatively written and directed by Bryn Boice, the play flowed seamlessly from one subject to the next. Each scene focused on a different issue including the Supreme Court, reproductive rights, violent crime, divided families and more. They were welded together by a recurring theme: the feeling of déjá vu.   
The ensemble includes Leighsa Burgin, Olivia Caputo, Siobhan Carroll, Katie Finkelstein, Caitlyn Jones, Erica Jade Simpson, Sharon Squires, Sylvia Sword and Maryanne Truax. Julee Antonellis, featured as Snowflake, performed almost entirely in mime. Her facial expressions, physicality and interactions with the ensemble were superb. Overall, the cast was wonderfully in-tune with one another, actively listening and reacting to the words spoken by their fellow actors. Their lines, spoken one right after the other or overlapping, kept the pace of the play brisk and the audience engaged. Additionally, with each line they spoke, the actors were believable and seemed to really feel and believe what they were saying. ©
While this interesting and socially relevant new work has completed their three performances, “The Cabinet of Curiosities” festival runs until May 27th. For more information on these companies and their upcoming productions visit, and

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